Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Machine against Man: Artificial Intelligence VS IQ (Intelligence Quotient)

 A few centuries ago, the manual way was the only way to do things. Messages delivery required the fastest man to sprint like Road’s runner from Point A to Point B. If some energy was still reserved in his body, then a reply would be carried back to the source. Movie nights required people to literally act out scenes one piece at a time, applause existing when an actor stood out in his or her roles. All this happened BT (Before Technology).
The 20th century saw computers that occupied large rooms, using vast amounts of electricity due to the many components that made it be the beauty of technological invention. In less than 30 years, the computer shrunk from elephant size to the size every human could carry in his back pack as he comfortably moved by. This brings me to the reason as to why I am writing this.

The machine world has become the superglue that holds our world in one piece. They have managed to cut across from simplifying communication between one another to determining how the stock exchange operates. This is not to mention the control they have with information about over 2 billion people in the world. Now, I don’t want to be quoted wrong here. I do love the technological advancements, we humans have been able to incur. I mean I studied Computer Engineering; this sweet poison is the reason as to why I will be able to put food on the table for my family someday in the future. Now as I sit down and smile at how bright my future is, I cannot fail to worry about the world that I live in. Movies like The Matrix and Series like Person of Interest give the simple perception to how the world will be when these machines finally decide to take over. I shall take this opportunity to state some facts about computers that will take you by surprise.

  •              If you did a calculation every second for 41512 years, it would be as many as the Xbox One GPU can do in one second.
  •             Super computers play an important role in quantum mechanics, weather fore casting, climate research, oil and gas exploration, molecular modelling and cryptanalysis in general.

Now let us go back to the real world, just something to show that computers are actually slightly slipping from our hands. When a programmer is writing code, there reaches a point where the code refuses to compile and then after a while, it allows. Only to crash, without any notice. Programmers understand the frustration. When you receive a message on your phones, only a small percentage of people have the zeal to concentrate on their work and ignore the little buzzing tone or light that keeps showing up on their phones. This is just a tip of the iceberg of how they are in charge.

“Technology has the power to bring people who are far away close and those who are near far.”

“If the vehicle evolution took the same route as the computer evolution, Cars would cost less than 50 dollars.”

I cannot remember the wise men who said these quotes but I hope the message was driven home.  Technology is advancing so fast, we can not keep track of it, worse we do not know that we do not know that we can not keep track of it.

Artificial intelligence has acquired and is replacing the humans in so many sectors. Just a few days ago, science created a robot dog that will shock you on how natural it acts. Furthermore, the future opening of the Nagasaki, Japan hotel full of human robots staff is another event to raise eye brows.

If tech evolution is happening at an extremely fast rate as it is happening now. What will happen in 20, 30 or 40 years to come?. Will we be in charge or are we in the process of creating our own doom’s day?. 

With the existences of system viruses, worms and Trojan horses, Do we still see the possibility of being able to keep our creation in check when they get attacked with problems so advanced, our brains will feel like bursting trying to solve them?. Are we to become puppets of our own creation?.

The answer to all that lies in the future, full of uncertainty, doubts and unpredictability as we smile with the ideology that we are in charge of the sleeping lions.